An application to your Headmaster for permission to play friendly cricket match

Date : 13/4/2018

The Headmaster,

Radhakanai High School


Subject: Application for permission for a friendly cricket match.


We the students of class 10 of your school have the honour to draw your kind attention to the fact that we want to play a friendly cricket match with the students of class 10 of Purabari High School on our school playground.

We, therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly permit us to play the match and oblige thereby.

Sincerely yours

The students of class 10  of Radhakanai High School


Source: Top 10 Center


Picture of application
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A Paragraph on ‘ Climate Change ‘

Climate change means the harmful state of the world’s climate. This change is caused  by environmental pollution. Carbondioxaide is the main cause of climate change . Methane and CFC’s are also responsible for the increase of climate change. Deforestation, vehicles, mills and  factories, burning wood and oil etc are also responsible for climate change. The ozone layer is getting decayed . The people are becoming the victims of disesses . Natural calamities are taking place . It has been predicted that mid way through the next century , temparatures may be raisen as much 40C . Global warming will reduce mankind’s ability to grow food. Seriously damage or destroy wild life and wilderness. The polar ice caps have started melting. The sea-level is rising. It is an alarming news that the lower parts of the worlds may go under water. It is high time to check the green house gasses . All possible measures should be taken to bring the sources of the greenhouse gasses under control. We should plant more and more trees . World wide tree plantation is essential. People should be made more aware in this regard.


This is the image of Paragraph